Mixus Totalus

Now you know our secret. Magic.

When you grow up with a bunch of fringe ADHD musicians it can be problematic when talking about music with normies. Sometimes it’s like a Spinal Tap parody —

Beer Guy — “What kind of music do you like?
Me — “Ehhhh, it’s kind of problematic”
Beer Guy — “Dude, it’s music, not math”
Me — “Yeah, but I have a very eclectic mix”
Beer Guy — “DUDE!! I LOVE loud guitars!”

But with the right people, it can lead to some interesting discussions like Paganini and Vai being besties, Walter Kraft as a fourth member of Rush, Natalie Dessay retiring as a coloratura to join Queensrÿche, Billie Eilish fronting Kraftwerk, and how much happier The Happy Fits would be with Natalie Merchant around.

But in the end, all this means is that we love music, which means we love your music, and we want to make it sound better than you could have imagined. And yeah, we know, you can imagine an awful lot…


EJ Sadler